- Maria Dolores Silva de Oliveira... É você?
- Sim, sou eu.
- Você já preencheu o formulário médico, bem?
- É êsse aqui? – disse Da. Maria apontando para um formulário amarelo em suas mãos.
- Pode preencher aí também viu! – disse a recepcionista indicando a secção no final da primeira página.
- Ah... aqui também?
- É... êste também precisa preencher porque o doutor precisa saber disso aí... tá?
- Ah, tudo bem! – respondeu Da. Maria em tom conciliatório. Com o formulário em mãos, Da. Maria retornou-se a seu assento, uma cadeira plástica de cor laranja, junto a senhores, senhoras, algumas crianças e outras pessoas jovens que aguardavam também a vez de serem atendidos. Já próximo das duas horas da tarde algumas pessoas se mostravam inquietas, porém a maioria, e principalmente os mais idosos, resignados à uma espera que já lhes tornara rotina, aguardavam com paciência.
- O que é isto aqui? - perguntou Da. Maria à senhora ao seu lado com a qual já há muito puxava conversa.
Olhando o formulário, a senhora mais idosa respondeu: - Este é o seu tipo de sangue. Se a senhora não sabe deixe sem responder. Depois eles fazem um exame de sangue para saber.
Prosseguindo, Da. Maria recordou-se da senhora que lhe apanhou cedo de manhã e lhe trouxe até alí: - Se eu tivesse que pegar o ônibus, não tinha dado tempo de pegar senha hoje. Essa pergunta aqui também tem que respondê? - Seus cabelos grisalhos, expressão facial reluzente mas pouco inquisitiva, mãos firmes e traços corpóreos fortes revelavam uma vida de trabalhos domésticos intensos, porém de natureza social humilde. Da. Maria poderia ter sido uma lavadeira, costureira ou até mesmo empregada doméstica.
- Essa pergunta é para saber se a senhora tem alergia. - mais uma vez a senhora ao lado, olhando o formulário ajudou Da. Maria a preencher corretamente. – O seu marido te trouxe aqui? – indagou a senhora idosa.
- Que marido que nada. Meu marido já foi trabalhá cedo. Ele trabalha de pedreiro, tem que chegá no serviço às sete. E pra chegá lá ele pega o ônibus da Vila Carrão depois o Bonfim. Então tem que sair cedo, né? Foi uma muié lá dos crente que veio me buscá.
- Da igreja dos crentes? - perguntou a senhora.
- É... porque a minha fia é crente, né, a senhora sabe. Lá na igreja dela tem essa muié que ajuda os pobre. Daí então minha fia veio Domingo a tarde e eu tava falando que tinha que ir no INPS esta semana... mais não sabia se ia dá tempo de chegá cedo para pegá senha. Daí então minha fia falou: “Ai, mãe, quem sabe eu te ajudo. Mais eu não posso perder dia de trabalho se não eles me descontam muito no dia de pagamento. Mais tem uma senhora na minha igreja que talvez pode ajudar.” Ai então ela veio, né.
A senhora, ouvia atentamente mas demonstrava pouca surpresa: – Os crentes, são bons né, porque eles ajudam as pessoas. Perto da minha casa tem uma Assembléia, e eles também ajudam. Mas lá é tudo pobre também, então num da né? - Da. Maria agora já pouco atenta ao formulário, estava mais interessada na conversa que evoluia.
- Maria Dolores Silva de Oliveira. - chamou a recepcionista.
- Oi?... Ai Nossa Senhora, eu já tava quase esquecendo. - levantando-se, dirigiu-se ao guichê e entregou o formulário amarelo à recepcionista, a qual verificou rapidamente os campos preenchidos.
- Tudo certinho, tá. Agora, a senhora pode se assentar que daqui a pouco o doutor vai atender, tá?
Da. Maria, retornando a seu assento, demonstrava paciência, embora já se encontrasse ali por mais de sete horas. Uma criança chorava ao fundo, alguns senhores resignados colocando-se próximos a porta de entrada faziam conversa para passar o tempo, senhoras de meia idade assentadas na longa carreira de cadeiras plásticas prestavam-se atentas aos movimentos esperando por sua vez de serem atendidas.
- Parece que a dona é dessas de classe viu! - Da. Maria confidenciou a sua nova amiga.
- Mais ela é dos crente? - perguntou a senhora de mais idade.
- A igreja da minha fia tem umas pessoas de classe, né. Num é como as igrejinha lá onde eu moro. A igreja dela é la perto da Faculdade grande, né... acho que lá tem mais gente que pode mais, né.
- A Faculdade é aquela grande lá pro lado do terminal do ônibus, aquele lá longe?... Iche, se for aquela, nossa, lá é tão grande. Tem um hospital lá que atende também.
- É lá mesmo, porque quando eu fiz cirurgia dos rin, minha fia me levou naquele hospital. Então... mais como eu ia dizendo, né, essa muié... então ela é de classe, né. Então ela veio na minha casa. Mais ficava ruim de eu oferecê café... porque a senhora sabe né a gente é pobre né!
- Ah, minha filha... não tem problem não. Café é café em casa de rico ou de pobre é tudo igual.
- Não, eu sei, mais como que eu vou oferecê café pra uma dona tão chique?
- Ah, eu não importo não. Uma vez tambem a minha patroa que eu tinha… agora não né, porque eu já sou aposentada… mais eh... ela veio uma vez na minha casa.
- Então… mais essa dona da igreja da minha fia... diz que ela tem bastante fio, né. Aí, ela veio e me buscou bem de manhãzinha mais a gente fica sem jeito né... porque a gente num sabe, num sabe se a dona vai achar ruim ou se vai repará.
- Olha, milha filha, - disse a senhora de mais idade: - não se importe não, o que vale é seu orgulho. A senhora tem que se orgulhar, no bom sentido é claro... a senhora tem que se orgulhar de sua casa mesmo que seja pobre.
- É... acho que senhora é que esta certa, viu. A minha fia também me fala disso. Mais essa dona que me trouxe ela é tão chique. - disse Da. Maria.
- O que que ela faz? - perguntou a senhora. A este ponto, duas outras mulheres sentadas próximas das duas conversadeiras, se esquivavam atentas à conversa, procurando não perder nada.
- Num sei. Diz que o marido dela é doutô e trabalha naquele hospital grande perto da Faculdade. Mais ele também é dum otro hospital.
- Mas se ela é chique... mas porque ela veio trazer a senhora aqui? -continuou indagando a senhora de mais idade.
- Ah, num sei não. É porque a minha fia pediu pra ela. - disse Da. Maria.
- A senhora já foi na igreja dos crente da sua filha? - indagou a senhora, já um tanto curiosa a respeito dessa dona chique.
- Não… Nossa Senhora!… não, eu nunca fui lá não. Eu sou católica, a senhora sabe, a gente que é católica num vai na igreja dos crente.
- É, mas esta mulher chique não se importou de ajudar a senhora que é católica, né? replicou a senhora.
- É verdade ela num se importô não. E ela é tão boa a senhora nem credita. Ela perguntou de mim, perguntou do meu marido… eu nunca conhecia essa dona. Num sei se minha fia falô pra ela alguma coisa, né. A senhora acredita que ela até viu meu cachorro no quintal, depois ela tava falando que tinha um cachorro igual! - surpresa frente a seu próprio humor, caiu numa risada desembaraçada mas comedida. A senhora mais idosa se entretia mais e mais com o assunto arriscando também uma risada.
As duas conversadeiras se deleitavam em decifrar esta aparição misteriosa e caridosa, quando uma das mulheres sentadas ao lado que a esse ponto já estava completamente se inteirada do assunto, interjeitou: - Os crente, a gente tem que tomar cuidado, sabe. Porque depois eles querem que a gente vai na igreja deles.
Da. Maria se recompondo de sua risada, se ajeitou na cadeira e ainda um tanto desconcerta, virou-se em direção a mulher que entrou na conversa das duas. Com uma expressão de surpresa, sem ter entendido o que a mulher disse, encarou-lhe por alguns segundos, até que sua nova amiga, a senhora de mais idade, interpelou: - Mais que crentes são esse que a senhora conhece?
Mais nova que as duas, de cabelos claros, portando uma bôlsa branca, e vestida em trajes mais modernos, a moça retrucou: - Pois a senhora não sabe? Esses crentes sempre querem que a gente vai na igreja deles. Eu já conheço bem. Hoje eles são bonzinho, conversam, amanhã já vão convidando para ir na igreja e depois quando a gente menos espera já virou crente também. Eu não... não quero nada com isso.
A senhora mais idosa, notadamente de mais experiência e com mais auto-confiança, percebendo a desconfiança da mulher mais jovem, assegurou-lhe: - Não, não é bem assim. Os crentes são bons... eu conheço lá, os crentes da Assembléia, eles ajudam as pessoas... e se for na igreja deles que que tem?... eu não importo não. Vê aí, essa dona que ajudou a senhora. Custava ela dizer pra sua filha que ela estava ocupada? ... já pensou sair lá dos cantos da Faculdade e vir até aqui nesse lugar longe de tudo... é só quem quer ajudar mesmo.
Da. Maria, sentindo o apoio da senhora experiente, realçou: - Pois é, e essa dona... ela até me perguntou em que igreja eu vou. Ai, eu disse que ia na Católica né, porque eu sabia que ela era dos crente, mais eu num vô fala mentira.
- Aí, ela me deixou aqui – continuou Da. Maria – e quando eu estava saindo do carro dela, ela perguntou como eu ia voltá pra casa. Então... então eu falei que vô de ônibus mesmo por que pra voltá num tem problema né? Dificir mesmo é chegá aqui... mais pra voltá a gente dá um jeito. Mais, a senhora credita que a dona até me deu uns passe pro ônibus. Então, ela falô que tinha passe da empregada dela e me pergunto e me deu dois passe. Ai... a gente até fica sem jeito né. Mais a senhora sabe a gente é pobre e tem que aceitá né. Mais é uma muié tão boa essa dona. Minha fia que tá com sorte né, porque senhora vê, é lá na igreja dela né, e aí tem essa dona lá, e aé essa dona ajuda as pessoas. Bem, eu num sei se na igreja dela tem pobre mais a gente nunca sabe, tem tanta gente que precisa de ajuda... ai meu Deus.
- Pois é mesmo, tem muita gente... mais cada um precisa fazer o que pode não é mesmo? - acrescentou a senhora de idade.
- É, mas a gente sempre tem que ficar de olho porque se não as pessoas tiram proveito. - disse a mulher jovem.
- Bem, essa dona, ela disse que tinha fio também. Parece que é bem uns sete ou mais num sei direito não... mais ela me perguntou se eu tinha fio. Aí eu contei né. Eu contei pra ela que o João tá na cadeia mais não foi bem culpa dele não... e ela queria saber se ele tem familia. Aí, eu falei né... eu falei pra ela da Mariza, a muié do João. Porque a senhora sabe né... o João coitado... ele até é bem trabalhadô... mais aí ele se meteu com uns cara aí .... e coitada da Mariza, com néné, precisando de dinheiro... aí vai... vai... agora tá na cadeia.
- A senhora falou tudo isto pra dona? – perguntou-lhe a moça.
- É claro, ela queria sabê. - respondeu Da. Maria. - Eu num queria ficá falando tudo da minha vida, os meu problema... mais fazê o que, ela queria sabê, aí eu num importo não. Aí, então ela queria sabê quantos anos tem o nenê. Ai, Nossa Senhora... eu falei pra ela... nem é ano não! O muleque tem uns oito meis. A Mariza traiz ele lá em casa, aí ela dexa ele lá só um pouco as vezes que ela tem que i na venda, né. Aí, a dona falô que quando ela tinha os fio dela que era nenê... aí as pessoa da igreja sempre ajudava né. Ela até falo que ia traze uns leite pro nenê mais num sei não.
- Vai nada. Eu já conheço essas mulheres. Elas são tudo metida. É tudo assim de veneta sabe. - a jovem se punha indignada, com pouca paciência mas relutante em abandonar a conversa.
- Não sei não. Mas parece que esta senhora é das crente que ajuda as pessoas. - acrescentou com sabedoria, a senhora de idade.
Da. Maria, confiante em sua narrativa e sentindo-se agradecida à senhora misteriosa que lhe trouxe até o posto de saúde, prosseguiu: - Ela tava bem vestida também sabe. Ela tinha assim, um vestido desses bem bonito, né. Nem sei que tipo é. Eu já fui costureira né, mais esse vestido era uns diferente. Ela me contou tudo da família dela também... mais ela só num falô nada do marido dela. É porque minha fia falô que ele é doutô né, se não eu nem sabia.
- E a senhora vai ficar aqui enfrentando essa fila maldita? Ai, se fosse eu, eu pedia pra ela me leva lá pro outro hospital... não pra esta miséria aqui! - sua paciência a expirar, a jovem se levantou e se dirigiu a porta para tomar um pouco de ar fresco.
Da. Maria não se intimidou: - Não... num é não... eu tinha que vim aqui mesmo... sabe... porque a minha ficha já tá aqui... e depois também pra pegá guia eu tenho que vi aqui mesmo. A minha fia disse que um dia numa festa da igreja a fia dessa dona feiz um bolo pra todo mundo. Minha fia também disse que a dona é gente boa mesmo. Eu credito... eu falei tudo pra dona, sabe. Magina, falei até do João coitado... ai, se ele num saí da cadeia num sei não. Então... mais aí a dona queria sabê do João também. E o que eu vô fala pra ela do João? Num tem nem o que falá né porque o coitado tá preso. Num foi culpa dele, né. Aí... ai... iche... sabe o que a dona falo?... Agora eu lembrei... A dona falo que ia rezá pro João. Mais eu num sei, eu falei pra ela que a gente é católico né... mais aí ela falô que ia rezá. Mais aí eu falei pra ela que o padre podia reza. Ai ela perguntou: “E então o padre já rezou pro seu filho”? Eu falei que não porque a senhora sabe né, o padre num fala muito com a gente... mais ele é dos que reza também. A gente num tem assim muita intimidade pra falá com o padre mais eu sei que ele é dos que reza.
- O padre da minha igreja não reza pra ninguém não. - confessou a senhora de idade.
Da. Maria estava gostando da conversa, a mesma se tornara agora quase que um monólogo: - Mais essa dona ela falô pra rezá pro João mais ela falava outra coisa. Num era reza não, mais... qué dizê... é a mesma coisa né... mais ela falava uma otra coisa.
- Orar! Disse a senhora idosa.
- É isso mesmo, - disse Da. Maria. - Os crente fala orá, né. Mais é rezá. Então, aí a dona falô que ia rezá pro João. Não... ela falo que ia orá pro João... ai num sei, parece mais facil falá rezá, né.
- Maria Dolores Silva de Oliveira. – chamou a recepcionista.
- Oi, sou eu. – disse Da. Maria.
- É você bem? - perguntou a recepcionista.
- Sou eu mesma. – reafirmou Da. Maria.
- Pode entrar viu bem! O doutor vai te atender agora.
- Ai... até que enfim chegou a minha veiz. – e virando-se para a amiga de mais idade começou a despedir-se: - Tá... té logo, viu. Obrigada, viu!
- De nada minha filha. Mais não tem de que não... vai com Deus. – disse a senhora.
- Té logo.
Da. Maria levantou-se e quando já se dirigia à porta de entrada, a senhora de idade indagou-lhe: - Oi... essa dona que te trouxe aqui, como ela chama hem?
- Ah, é uma tal de Da. Nélia, né. Ela é lá dos Lane, né... aqueles que é parente do hospital, daquele otro. – disse Da. Maria.
- Ah! – respondeu a senhora de idade.
- Maria Dolores Silva de Oliveira. – chamou a enfermeira, em tom firme, quase autoritário: - Por aqui... venha!
Edward Lane – Decatur April 2006.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Tent Sticks
Chapter 3 - Tent Sticks
I spent two frigid days of winter 1970 enjoying the thrill of finding my way around the completely unknown maze of Lower Manhattan. I was fifteen, had just completed 8th grade in my hometown in Brazil, and was spending my summer vacations in the US. It was summer in Brazil and winter in the US. My Uncle John and his family were living in East Texas and had invited me to spend a couple of months with them. Uncle John arranged for me to take this trip along the East Coast by Greyhound stopping along the way at friends’ homes. Mr. Lodwick was one of these long time friends of the family who had spent a number of years in Brazil as a missionary. He had returned from the mission field and was now working at the United Presbyterian Church USA national headquarters at Riverside Dr. in New York City. Mr. Lodwick was kind enough to take me to a hockey game and Radio City in the evenings. During the day he went to work and I went to town. Thousands of miles away from the comfort and security of my home in Brazil, the thrill of discovery of the unknown seemed like a pleasant dream rolling on in slow motion. Whether it was back home or on the streets of Manhattan, my world was devoid of perceived evil. I had seen no evil. All was good and all was fun. I cherished the rich heritage passed on to us and was taking full advantage of my parents support. My great grandfather had been left alone on these very streets one hundred years earlier when he was brought over from Ireland. Purportedly, a priest in Ireland who coveted his inheritance shipped him off to America. An adult travel companion is said to have abandoned him upon arrival on the shores of New York. The eight year old orphan was interned at Ward’s Island the immigration facility that housed unaccompanied children. He was later adopted by a family of brick manufacturers from Stony Point, New York. Many years later he became a minister and traveled to Brazil as a Presbyterian missionary. My dad spoke kindly of him and always dreamed of gathering enough information about his origin in Dublin, Ireland.
My dad carried on the legacy of his ancestors and passed it on to us by reaffirming values based on character, hard work, discipline and mercy to others. Fundamental values taught by our parents became an integral part of who we were as individuals. My father’s unselfish and stable leadership and deep respect for my mother set the tone for the family and gave us self-confidence and a clear sense of our own identities. The quiet but resolute cadence of his leadership found most frequent expression during meal times. We were not allowed to eat until prayer was said and my mother was served. Contravention was punishable by time out in the room without entertainment. We were not allowed to get up from the table until the meal was completely finished. Raising our voices, talking back or being disrespectful to my mother was severely punishable.
Another significant part of what my father transmitted to us was that material things had only relative importance. We learned from early age not to covet each other’s possessions. We learned to wait for the things we desired. We couldn’t have the candy the minute we desired it, the new toy car the minute we thought of it or the new bike when we wanted it. My parents however gave the example, shopping was not big on their list of priorities. Big houses, new cars, and expensive vacations were never part of their conversation. The amount of money that people made or the amount of money that different jobs paid was even more absent from any family conversations. My family was interested in world events, people, church and subjects that nurtured in us a sense of discovery, exploration, forethought and spiritual perspective.
As we approached adolescence another prominent part of their lives was service to others. My father’s job was a service based job. My mother however was also active in various ways of serving others, frequently volunteering her children to drive some older lady home, move a chair and table for someone who did not have any means of transportation or delivering countless Christmas baskets to underprivileged homes.
The first time I realized what my Dad really did I was about five years old. My Dad was an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. He was also the only doctor in a small private hospital in a small town in the interior of Brazil. Our family lived in the hospital. The family quarters were on the second floor just above the surgery room. My mother, who during those years was often pregnant with one of her eventually eight children, often drove the ambulance across town transporting patients to the hospital
My father frequently went on house calls. Sometimes he took us along. It was a real treat to us children. There was one particular farm we used to go to occasionally. It was an old elegant home owned by the local power company. It had a swimming pool and lavish gardens that resembled English gardens. Servants tended the grounds, maids came out serving water and coffee in demitasses. The older couple who lived there had become good friends of my parents. Many times they invited us for an afternoon by the only swimming pool in town enjoying fresh lemonade and cookies.
One sunny afternoon when my Dad asked if I would like to come along with him to the farm, I didn’t think twice and gladly accepted thinking that we were going out on another swimming opportunity. We arrived and he walked up the steps leading up to the wide and lavish veranda. My Dad motioned to my brother and I to sit at the table while he went inside. A maid came out and brought us some lemonade and cookies. We waited and waited and waited. After what seemed like an hour, my Dad came out from the house carrying his medical case and shook hands good bye with the house lady and off we went back into the car. Having had no swimming pool but only endless waiting I became rather cranky and started complaining as soon as we got in the car. My Dad became very stern and straightened out my emotions by explaining that he had come out there because the gentleman was ill and needed medical care. We had not come there for fun but my dad had come there on a medical house call. That said I sobered up, with not a small tinge of guilt. That event made me understand my a bit about what Dad’s job was.
My parents were also always united. If they had any disagreements, the disagreements were not evident to the children. They were not perfect by all means. Their faults would become more and more evident as I grew up. Their individual characters coupled with respect for each other and unity however however, set the groundwork for a cohesive and functional family. During our formative years they also instilled in us a sense of responsibility. Camping trips were a family project. We planned and assigned tasks to each one. We often even did some of the grocery shopping. Camping trips always had a great deal of expectation on the part of us kids as the time approached. Certain things however had to take place in order for the camping trip to happen. On one occasion my Dad glued together some wood sticks shaping up the profile of a tent on a sheet of paper. He hung it up on the wall during the eight days preceding the trip. For every quarrel we had he would pull one stick off the paper. The implication was that if the profile of the tent was not visible by the time of the trip, then there would be no trip. We had lists of assignments, menus and agendas for activities. Once we arrived at the spot, implementation would begin immediately. After many occasions and a lot of practice, we had gotten it down to a science. My parents did not have to do any of the work by the time I was in my teens. The kids took care of everything. It became a challenge to have the kitchen set up and a cup of hot tea served by the time the tent was up. This we managed to accomplish several times on a trip we took throughout Europe.
The balanced household in which I grew up and in which values preceded possessions, principles prevailed over self-interest and responsibility kept dysfunction at bay was most likely responsible for instilling in me some level of self-confidence and independence. This self-confidence and independence did not come without its own share of dangers though. At different times in my life there were occasions where I pushed the edge too far, albeit thankfully not causing irreparable damage. A resolute discontent with convention and a burning desire to lean over and turn the next corner set the emotional and personal stage for tackling certain challenges that came my way. It was no different now. I was treading the unknown it was fun.
I snapped out of my philosophical moment, turned my gaze away from Madison Avenue and focused on a more immediate challenge: to look for a bus stop for the bus heading to lower Manhattan. It was right where Mr. Lodwick had indicated. I walked past a group of people who were obviously waiting for a bus. Then I looked around for the sign listing all the buses stop there. Sure enough, his instructions were right on. Before too long the bus came, I got on and made a short trip to lower Manhattan. I got off at the United Nations. The sight of the imposing United Nations building against the backdrop of the East River sent chills up my spine, exacerbated only by the sight of the flag of my country amongst others. I took the mandatory tour and listened to all the usual explanations which I didn’t retain.
I didn’t expect to bump into a Brazilian, but in retrospect where else should I bump into one but at the United Nations building. Her mellow voice struck a cord of familiarity. Her accent was from northern Brazil and as Brazilian do when they meet each other in different parts of the world, we talked as if we were long time friends. I did not learn much about what the United Nations does around the world. But, having my home country (I consider Brazil my home country and the US my heart country) represented by the flag at the poll at by a person at the gift shop did give me a boost of sentiments for the day. Nations united or not, the friendly encounter was encouraging.
Many years I would return to a very different Manhattan as an adult and I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have the same courage as my Dad had to send my own 16 year old to explore the streets of this city. My Uncle John was in no small part an accomplice in planning that journey as well as many other journeys in my life. The trip was successful not only as geographic exploration but it also helped me push into uncharted personal realm with ambition to seek further. Later on as life began to present its problems and challenges what became interesting and rewarding was to be able to blaze through unknown territory and bring functionality out of a dysfunctional environment. Such predisposition would come in handy when I was faced with the scenario of starting out married life with a ready made family.
I spent two frigid days of winter 1970 enjoying the thrill of finding my way around the completely unknown maze of Lower Manhattan. I was fifteen, had just completed 8th grade in my hometown in Brazil, and was spending my summer vacations in the US. It was summer in Brazil and winter in the US. My Uncle John and his family were living in East Texas and had invited me to spend a couple of months with them. Uncle John arranged for me to take this trip along the East Coast by Greyhound stopping along the way at friends’ homes. Mr. Lodwick was one of these long time friends of the family who had spent a number of years in Brazil as a missionary. He had returned from the mission field and was now working at the United Presbyterian Church USA national headquarters at Riverside Dr. in New York City. Mr. Lodwick was kind enough to take me to a hockey game and Radio City in the evenings. During the day he went to work and I went to town. Thousands of miles away from the comfort and security of my home in Brazil, the thrill of discovery of the unknown seemed like a pleasant dream rolling on in slow motion. Whether it was back home or on the streets of Manhattan, my world was devoid of perceived evil. I had seen no evil. All was good and all was fun. I cherished the rich heritage passed on to us and was taking full advantage of my parents support. My great grandfather had been left alone on these very streets one hundred years earlier when he was brought over from Ireland. Purportedly, a priest in Ireland who coveted his inheritance shipped him off to America. An adult travel companion is said to have abandoned him upon arrival on the shores of New York. The eight year old orphan was interned at Ward’s Island the immigration facility that housed unaccompanied children. He was later adopted by a family of brick manufacturers from Stony Point, New York. Many years later he became a minister and traveled to Brazil as a Presbyterian missionary. My dad spoke kindly of him and always dreamed of gathering enough information about his origin in Dublin, Ireland.
My dad carried on the legacy of his ancestors and passed it on to us by reaffirming values based on character, hard work, discipline and mercy to others. Fundamental values taught by our parents became an integral part of who we were as individuals. My father’s unselfish and stable leadership and deep respect for my mother set the tone for the family and gave us self-confidence and a clear sense of our own identities. The quiet but resolute cadence of his leadership found most frequent expression during meal times. We were not allowed to eat until prayer was said and my mother was served. Contravention was punishable by time out in the room without entertainment. We were not allowed to get up from the table until the meal was completely finished. Raising our voices, talking back or being disrespectful to my mother was severely punishable.
Another significant part of what my father transmitted to us was that material things had only relative importance. We learned from early age not to covet each other’s possessions. We learned to wait for the things we desired. We couldn’t have the candy the minute we desired it, the new toy car the minute we thought of it or the new bike when we wanted it. My parents however gave the example, shopping was not big on their list of priorities. Big houses, new cars, and expensive vacations were never part of their conversation. The amount of money that people made or the amount of money that different jobs paid was even more absent from any family conversations. My family was interested in world events, people, church and subjects that nurtured in us a sense of discovery, exploration, forethought and spiritual perspective.
As we approached adolescence another prominent part of their lives was service to others. My father’s job was a service based job. My mother however was also active in various ways of serving others, frequently volunteering her children to drive some older lady home, move a chair and table for someone who did not have any means of transportation or delivering countless Christmas baskets to underprivileged homes.
The first time I realized what my Dad really did I was about five years old. My Dad was an Obstetrician and Gynecologist. He was also the only doctor in a small private hospital in a small town in the interior of Brazil. Our family lived in the hospital. The family quarters were on the second floor just above the surgery room. My mother, who during those years was often pregnant with one of her eventually eight children, often drove the ambulance across town transporting patients to the hospital
My father frequently went on house calls. Sometimes he took us along. It was a real treat to us children. There was one particular farm we used to go to occasionally. It was an old elegant home owned by the local power company. It had a swimming pool and lavish gardens that resembled English gardens. Servants tended the grounds, maids came out serving water and coffee in demitasses. The older couple who lived there had become good friends of my parents. Many times they invited us for an afternoon by the only swimming pool in town enjoying fresh lemonade and cookies.
One sunny afternoon when my Dad asked if I would like to come along with him to the farm, I didn’t think twice and gladly accepted thinking that we were going out on another swimming opportunity. We arrived and he walked up the steps leading up to the wide and lavish veranda. My Dad motioned to my brother and I to sit at the table while he went inside. A maid came out and brought us some lemonade and cookies. We waited and waited and waited. After what seemed like an hour, my Dad came out from the house carrying his medical case and shook hands good bye with the house lady and off we went back into the car. Having had no swimming pool but only endless waiting I became rather cranky and started complaining as soon as we got in the car. My Dad became very stern and straightened out my emotions by explaining that he had come out there because the gentleman was ill and needed medical care. We had not come there for fun but my dad had come there on a medical house call. That said I sobered up, with not a small tinge of guilt. That event made me understand my a bit about what Dad’s job was.
My parents were also always united. If they had any disagreements, the disagreements were not evident to the children. They were not perfect by all means. Their faults would become more and more evident as I grew up. Their individual characters coupled with respect for each other and unity however however, set the groundwork for a cohesive and functional family. During our formative years they also instilled in us a sense of responsibility. Camping trips were a family project. We planned and assigned tasks to each one. We often even did some of the grocery shopping. Camping trips always had a great deal of expectation on the part of us kids as the time approached. Certain things however had to take place in order for the camping trip to happen. On one occasion my Dad glued together some wood sticks shaping up the profile of a tent on a sheet of paper. He hung it up on the wall during the eight days preceding the trip. For every quarrel we had he would pull one stick off the paper. The implication was that if the profile of the tent was not visible by the time of the trip, then there would be no trip. We had lists of assignments, menus and agendas for activities. Once we arrived at the spot, implementation would begin immediately. After many occasions and a lot of practice, we had gotten it down to a science. My parents did not have to do any of the work by the time I was in my teens. The kids took care of everything. It became a challenge to have the kitchen set up and a cup of hot tea served by the time the tent was up. This we managed to accomplish several times on a trip we took throughout Europe.
The balanced household in which I grew up and in which values preceded possessions, principles prevailed over self-interest and responsibility kept dysfunction at bay was most likely responsible for instilling in me some level of self-confidence and independence. This self-confidence and independence did not come without its own share of dangers though. At different times in my life there were occasions where I pushed the edge too far, albeit thankfully not causing irreparable damage. A resolute discontent with convention and a burning desire to lean over and turn the next corner set the emotional and personal stage for tackling certain challenges that came my way. It was no different now. I was treading the unknown it was fun.
I snapped out of my philosophical moment, turned my gaze away from Madison Avenue and focused on a more immediate challenge: to look for a bus stop for the bus heading to lower Manhattan. It was right where Mr. Lodwick had indicated. I walked past a group of people who were obviously waiting for a bus. Then I looked around for the sign listing all the buses stop there. Sure enough, his instructions were right on. Before too long the bus came, I got on and made a short trip to lower Manhattan. I got off at the United Nations. The sight of the imposing United Nations building against the backdrop of the East River sent chills up my spine, exacerbated only by the sight of the flag of my country amongst others. I took the mandatory tour and listened to all the usual explanations which I didn’t retain.
I didn’t expect to bump into a Brazilian, but in retrospect where else should I bump into one but at the United Nations building. Her mellow voice struck a cord of familiarity. Her accent was from northern Brazil and as Brazilian do when they meet each other in different parts of the world, we talked as if we were long time friends. I did not learn much about what the United Nations does around the world. But, having my home country (I consider Brazil my home country and the US my heart country) represented by the flag at the poll at by a person at the gift shop did give me a boost of sentiments for the day. Nations united or not, the friendly encounter was encouraging.
Many years I would return to a very different Manhattan as an adult and I couldn’t help but wonder if I would have the same courage as my Dad had to send my own 16 year old to explore the streets of this city. My Uncle John was in no small part an accomplice in planning that journey as well as many other journeys in my life. The trip was successful not only as geographic exploration but it also helped me push into uncharted personal realm with ambition to seek further. Later on as life began to present its problems and challenges what became interesting and rewarding was to be able to blaze through unknown territory and bring functionality out of a dysfunctional environment. Such predisposition would come in handy when I was faced with the scenario of starting out married life with a ready made family.
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